Blog Archives


You see, we were there for the 3rd annual C4 conference (aka C4[2]) which gathers together some of the brightest minds in the software development community and in particular the OS X developer community. Happily, I once again slipped in under the radar. Tim’s mention of my post got me thinking, hey maybe I should write something up this year when I get home. And hey, maybe this time I’ll take some notes. So I am and I did.
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Proxi v1.5

Today I posted an update to Proxi. This release could almost be called version 2 given the user interface changes, but I’m calling it version 1.5. Here’s a list of the changes:
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G15 Mac OS X Demo

Every now and again, I’ll get an email from someone that has seen this picture on flickr and they are looking for more information on how to write their own code or just curious how what’s being used to drive the keyboard, etc.
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Acorn v1.0

In case you haven’t heard, Flying Meat has released a brand new image editing application called Acorn. I got a sneak peek of Acorn at the recent C4 conference and it looks very slick.
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C4[1] Thoughts

So I got back from the C4 conference in Chicago this evening. C4 is a weekend Mac developer conference, in the spirit of MacHack, organized by Jonathan ‘Wolf’ Rentzsch.
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