February 19, 2009
I’ve always resisted the urge to have a blogroll for two reasons. First, I know I’ll forget someone and their feelings will be hurt and second because I think the standard list of a gozillion links running along the side of a web site looks terrible. I’ve addressed the second concern by giving this its own page. As for the first, if I overlooked you, I’m sorry, it was not intentional. At all… As far as you know.
D – developer
G – general geekiness
L – local
P – photography
- (D) Alastair’s Place – Alastair Houghton
- (D) atomicbird – Tom Harrington
- (L) Beyond the Fried – Christy Nicholson
- (L, P) Brenternet – Brent Moore
- (D) Call Me Fishmeal – Wil Shipley
- (D, G) carpeaqua – Justin Williams
- (D) Cocoa with Love – Matt Gallagher
- (D) Cocoa Samurai – Colin Wheeler
- (D, G) Cocoia Blog – Sebastiaan de With
- (D, G) def myBlog(self): – Ian Baird
- (D, G) – Daniel Sandler
- (D, P) Fraser Speirs – Fraser Speirs
- (D) – Craig Hockenberry
- (G, L) Geek Thoughts – Paul Nicholson
- (L, P) Grey Street Girl – Eva Maria
- (D, G) [GusMueller blog] – Gus Mueller
- (D, G) – Brent Simmons
- (L) High Holy Mass of Contradictions – Kate O’Neill
- (D, G, L) Jackson Miller – Jackson Miller
- (D) Joel on Software – Joel Spolsky
- (G, L) Just Another Pretty Farce – Kat Coble
- (D, G, L) Life Is Rich – Rich Wardwell
- (G, L) Lizzie’s Notebook – Lizzie Keiper
- (D, G) Manton Reece – Manton Reece
- (D) Musings From the Software Underground – Michael Dupuis
- (L, P) My Quiet Life – Chris Wage
- (L, P) Nashvillest – Christy Frink, Morgan Levy
- (D, G) neontology – Tim Burks
- (L) Newscoma – Trace Sharp
- (D) Nobody learns if nothing is brok3n – Chris Forsythe
- (D) NSBlog – Mike Ash
- (D, G) Ranchero – Brent Simmons
- (D, G) Red Sweater Blog – Daniel Jalkut
- (G, L) – Rex Hammock
- (D) Safe from the Losing Fight – Andy Finnell
- (L) Shoot The Moose – Tom Landers
- (D, G) Shirt Pocket Watch – Dave Nanian
- (D) Tales from the Red Shed – Jonathan ‘Wolf’ Rentzsch
- (L, P) The Ride Home – Megan Morris
- (D) Theobroma Cacao – Scott Stevenson
- (G, L) things best said – J Curtis
- (L) This is La Vergne, TN – Kathy Tyson, et al
- (D) Toxic Software (Blog) – Jonathan Wight
- (L) Where’s the Mute Button? – Kathy Tyson
hey, i’m in italian student attending the last university year. I’m developing the final work to get the graduetion in economics. I would be proud to include in my work an interview in which you explain me some issue from your point of view. I ‘ve analysed in what app market are different from the other traditional market. We know that there are thousands of apps in each store. I ‘d like to know what do you think about the competition in these stores, seeing that everyone could take part to them with his own app.
Thank you so much