Blog Archives

for, forEach, and map (oh my)

We interrupt the recent political ramblings and assorted existential crises to bring you a post about loops in Swift. I was tempted to use forEach today but then I started wondering what sort of overhead closures add. So I cobbled … Continue reading

WWDCs Past (2015 edition)

Seems like this years WWDC announcement should but popping up soon. With that in mind I figured I’d post an updated WWDC announcement table. It’s getting to be a whole tradition now or something. Sort of goes with my tradition … Continue reading

Swift Optional Chaining Performance

Optional chaining in Swift offers a convenient mechanism for testing an optional value embedded in a statement without having to bother with messy binding or dangerous implicit unwrapping. Continue reading

A Few Toys

Since the release of Terrella and the big update to Super Speller I’ve slowed down a bit with Quiet Spark work. But that doesn’t mean I’ve completely stopped working on personal projects. Continue reading

Backwards Compatibility on the App Store

The imminent release of iOS 8 and the new iPhones from Apple got us thinking about updating our Quiet Spark apps to take advantage of some of the new features that will be available. Most importantly (at least to us) … Continue reading