Yearly Archives: 2003

Happy belated birthday

You know I was so preoccupied with all the other birthdays last month that I completely let one slip my mind. On November, 10th 2003, turned one year old! What began as an idea to just give my old … Continue reading

The new leader of Troup 333

A while back my wife and I had the bright idea that our daughter Alexandria should join the Girl Scouts. And a little over a month or so ago, we signed her up in Troop 333 of the Brownies. From … Continue reading Continue reading

New pictures

I’ve been kinda lax in updating the gallery lately. Sorry about that. But my wife finally “reminded” me enough times and I got everything updated this morning. There are new pictures in the Main Album as well as a Halloween … Continue reading

We’re back!

What a great flight home. Even with the weather delays, it was a great idea to finally make the trip to Michigan by airplane. While we had some pretty big headwinds on the way up, but we got lucky and … Continue reading Continue reading


Looks like the weather is going to keep us in beautiful Richmond, Michigan a little longer than planned. We’re hoping this weather will clear out sometime before noon tomorrow for the flight back. My first “real” trip in the airplane … Continue reading Continue reading