Just one more day!

The long wait is nearly over. Tomorrow is June 29th and unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know what that means. We’ve all seen the commercials, the endless hype. Tomorrow we’ll find out if the hype is true. I have to admit, that I was a little skeptical at first. I mean it looks gorgeous obviously, but how well will it work? And who hasn’t grumbled about the cost? A lucky few have seen it and the reviews seem to indicate that it does indeed live up to the hype. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, there have been few missteps since Steve Jobs took over. So now I’m seriously tempted, and you just might find me in line with everyone else tomorrow. It’s silly, I know, but I know there are a lot of other people that will be standing in line to see Ratatouille too, so I’m not alone.

Oh, one other thing. You may have heard that Apple has introduced a cellular phone called the, um, iPhone. By shear coincidence, the iPhone is coming out tomorrow too. Of course it’s going to cost like $600, not to mention a contract with AT&T! Heh, can you imagine anyone silly enough to stand in line for that?