A new member of the family

After many many discussions, my wife finally convinced me that we should get a dog. We’ve talked about this for years and years and I’ve always resisted. Finally after seeing my son play with my brother-in-law’s little dog in Michigan, and seeing how much both my kids loved having our neighbors dog spend a few days with us recently, I decided that we could “think about it”.

Last week I stumbled across Petfinder.com and searched for a Beagle nearby which turned up a 12 week old Beagle, Bernese Mountain Dog mix at Happy Tales Humane in Franklin, named JoJo. After showing the picture of him to Susie, it was pretty much over. There wasn’t much chance she was going to let me talk myself out of this. And so Friday we surprised the kids by taking them to see JoJo. Of course they loved him and so by that evening he was in his new home.

He is actually a very well mannered puppy. He’s only had a couple accidents and he hasn’t chewed anything up yet or dug around in the trash or anything like that. If anything, I’m a little shocked that he’s as mellow as he is. I figured, being a puppy, he’d be much more hyper-active, but he mostly just lays around or occasionally nudges you if he would like some attention. So far so good.