Project 365: 300 days

Evolution (34 / 365) No Photos Allowed (20 / 365)
#1. Evolution
(36 / 365)
#2. No Photos Allowed
(20 / 365)
Moonlight (35 / 365) Video Game Violence (55 / 365)
#3. Moonlight
(35 / 365)
#4. Video Game Violence
(55 / 365)
C is for Coronary (218 / 365) Raw Hammer: Anger (246 / 365)
#5. C is for Coronary
(218 / 365)
#6. Raw Hammer: Anger
(246 / 365)
Icons (161 / 365) No Way Out (43 / 365)
#7. Icons
(161 / 365)
#8. No Way Out
(43 / 365)
Assimilation (57 / 365) Stones River (195 / 365)
#9. Assimilation
(57 / 365)
#10. Stones River
(195 / 365)

Otherwise known as the, Thank God This Is Almost Over edition.

Hello again blog. Another 100 days have passed (and then some) and I was looking over my Project 365 pics trying to make sense of what flickr thinks is interesting and what it does not. Still doesn’t make sense to me. I was also marveling at the fact that I’ve somehow managed to take a picture every day for the last 310 days. Only 55 more to go.

While it’s fun to look back on, and I’ve learned a good bit about taking photos and maybe a teeny bit about being disciplined, it’s not been all that I hoped. Initially, it got my creative juices flowing, and gave me an excuse to get out more in search of interesting photos. But, as time has worn on, I’ve started looking on it as more of a chore. I really don’t want to look at my camera with dread. I am still determined to finish the year however. It would be a shame to have come all this way and stumble at the finish. But next year I think I’ll find another project to occupy myself with.

Three photos dropped out of the top 10 list over the last 100 days, replaced with three new ones. Leaving the list are Day’s End (112 / 365), The Globe (78 / 365), and, ironically, Will I Ever Make Explore? (75 / 365). Day’s End and The Globe are actually two of my favorites. Sad to see those two go.

C is for Coronary (218 / 365) enters the list at #5. I love this picture. You can get a sense of my sense of humor from it, along with Video Game Violence (55 / 365) and Empty Headed (251 / 365). They all make me smile.

Raw Hammer: Anger (246 / 365) at #6? Really? 41 views, 1 favorite. Just below it is Icons! (161 / 365) with 1,184 views and 2 favorites. Just another mystery of flickr’s interestingness rating. It’s a bowling ball people! 🙂

Lastly, Stones River (195 / 365) enters the list at #10. Actually this one was supposed to be used in a hotel guest guide for Rutherford County along with an article about the Murfreesboro greenway. I’m not sure what happened with that, if anything, but it is a pretty good shot and it’s nice to see it getting a little recognition.