Project 365: 1-60

Evolution (34 / 365) No Photos Allowed (20 / 365)
#1. Evolution
(36 / 365)
#2. No Photos Allowed
(20 / 365)
Moonlight (35 / 365) Video Game Violence (55 / 365)
#3. Moonlight
(35 / 365)
#4. Video Game Violence
(55 / 365)
No Way Out (43 / 365) Night Settles on LP Field (10 / 365)
#5. No Way Out
(43 / 365)
#6. Settles on LP Field
(10 / 365)
Fillin' Station (60 / 365) Assimilation (57 / 365)
#7. Fillin’ Station
(60 / 365)
#8. Assimilation
(57 / 365)
Uppercut (59 / 365) End of Line (38 / 365)
#9. Uppercut
(59 / 365)
#10. End of Line
(38 / 365)

I’ve managed (somehow) to keep taking a picture a day, every day this year. Just 303 more days to go. Sigh. Anyway, I think I’m getting a little better. And I’ve made the switch from JPEG to RAW. Although using RAW means that I spend a little extra time fiddling with my photos before uploading them to flickr. I made almost no adjustments to my first 40 images and now, at a minimum, I crop, straighten, and check the white balance. And sometimes quite a bit more. Those that require almost no adjustment in Aperture make me happiest, so hopefully Aperture won’t make me lazy.

I’ve also started adding a small watermark to the bottom right of each image. Aperture makes this stupid easy. I don’t mind people using my images, but I would like credit. This hasn’t been a problem with my flickr images, but I noticed that someone took a bunch of scans that I posted on my genealogy site and uploaded them to Ancestry without acknowledging the source. Not sure what I’m going to do about that, if anything. But it is aggravating and thus the watermark from this point forward.

Anyway, I was going through my most “interesting” (as determined by flickr) pictures to see if the newer images were more likely to be more interesting than the older ones. In other words: Am I taking better pictures? My top ten most interesting Project 365 pictures are displayed to the right. I have two pictures from the first 30 days among my top ten and eight from the last 30. That’s encouraging. Also six of the top ten were processed in Aperture. So, even more incentive to continue using Aperture after the trial expires.

I’m not sure this has been interesting to anyone but me, but I wanted to make note of my progress regularly so I can see how my photography evolves (or devolves) over the course of the year.

Oh! And before I forget, thank you so much to everyone who views, comments, or favorites my pictures. I really appreciate the encouragement.