The One Deadly Sin of Blogging

Dancing Jesus
If it makes you happy…

#1: Avoid taking the advice suggested in posts such as these: via digg – The Seven Deadly Sins of Blogging.

There’s really not much reason for you to create a blog unless it’s something that you enjoy doing. And if that’s the case, then by all means, design a site that makes you happy first and foremost. Use purple text on a florescent orange background. Have Dueling Banjos playing in the background. Sprinkle animated dancing Jesus (Jesuses? Jesii? Whatever.) all over your site, if that’s what makes you happy.

It’s fine to hope that you’ll become the next Dooce or Instapundit. But if you believe that you can slap together a site, sprinkle in some advertising and retire to Bahamas, you’re probably going to end up very disappointed.